Monday, September 14, 2015

Every Day A Saturday

After 38 years in the corporate world, Jim retired on July 10.  That means no more trying to guess whether grain prices will go up or down.


And more time for golf

Jim retire-3


Jim retire-2

and simply relaxing.  He has adjusted remarkably well.  Me? Not so much!

This had been a beautiful summer in Appleton.  Days have been cool and sunny and Jim has taken full advantage to work in the yard, ride his bike, kayak, walk and volunteer at the local community gardens.  He is amazed at how little he misses work.  I think he misses seeing his co-workers every day, but not the job.  He likes being able to run errands during the week, mow the lawn in the middle of the day and linger over a cup of coffee and the newspaper in the morning.

On the other hand,  I was used to a quiet house and him being gone for 12 hours a day Monday through Friday.  For some reason I just haven’t been able to get back into a routine.  I’m not sure where my time is going but it sure hasn’t been quilting, blogging, cooking or cleaning.  All of that has fallen by the wayside this summer.  In my defense, we’ve been out of town quite a bit and I’m still working a few days a month.  Overall, though, I’m feeling very unproductive.  Hopefully I can turn that around this fall when we start spending more time inside.

Now our top priorities are to travel more and make some much needed updates and repairs to our house.  We’re doing pretty well with the first one and hope to do better this winter with the second.  Even I have to admit that it was nice this summer when we didn’t have to plan trips around Jim’s work schedule.  We went with some friends to a Cubs/White Sox game in Chicago, spent a few days at Magician Lake in Michigan with Jim’s siblings and spouses, t00k a mid-week camping trip to Hartman Creek State Park and visited my family in Kansas City.  We’re also looking forward to our upcoming “official” retirement/anniversary trip to England.

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