Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Taking It Easy

Day 6: Shap to Orton
Miles today: 10.18
Total miles: 70.61

Jim and I started this morning with a leisurely breakfast, knowing that we didn't have far to go today. We've found, though, that breakfast is always leisurely here. Today we weren't in a hurry and had a nice visit with Jeff and Hilary, and Laura, another woman who was staying at Brookfield House. This will be the last day we see Jeff and Hilary as they, too, are going all the way to Kirkby Stephen. We will be a little sad to leave here as Margaret has been such a lovely host, but she checked the tag on our bag and has assured us the place where we're staying in Orton is "lovely."

We got underway at 9:15. Many of the public footpaths in England are through fields and pastures. You always have to make sure you are on the right side of the fence (stone wall) so you can get out. First thing, we found ourselves trapped and had to backtrack to get on the other side so we could climb out the style.

The walking was easier today. The guidebook says it is a flat walk, but again, flat in Wisconsin is FLAT, where here it just means the hills aren't quite as high. We hadn't been walking long before we saw this:

It was Asad.  We hadn't expected to see him today.  The other man is Rod, who has walked the coast to coast several times. We weren't exactly sure of his story, but somehow he found himself in some deep water the previous day and had lost his maps and compass and was trying to get to Kirkby Stephen to replace his shoes.  We always feel better when people who are familiar with the area still find navigation difficult.

This part, though, was much better way-marked.  Now this is a cairn!

Hard to miss this, unlike some of the little tiny ones in the lake district.  Occasionally, there are even signposts.

Around noon, we topped a hill and could see Orton in the distance.  As I was walking down the hill, it was an almost surreal experience. I was thinking to myself, "Here I am, in England, just walking, surrounded by all these beautiful sights." It was a powerful moment.

It was overcast most of the day and as we got into town it started misting.  We made our way to the Orton Chocolate Factory and ran into Jeff and Hilary leaving there. They left Margaret's while we were still having breakfast so maybe we're not that much slower than everyone else after all.

Margaret was right about The Barn House, our B & B here in Orton.  It IS lovely!

We walked down to the pub for dinner and in walked Mark.  He came over and said that sadly, Ray had fallen and hurt his back.  He went back home just before Shap, but Mark planned to continue alone.  We offered to buy him dinner but he said he had already eaten and was just going to have a pint of beer and plan his route. Ray had been the planner so now Joe was trying to get his bearings. They were carrying heavy packs with camping gear so I'm not surprised Ray lost his balance.  I fell and had only a 10 pound pack.  We may not see Mark again on the trail.  He is trying to tack on a few more miles everyday and has a little more flexibility by camping.  I hope he makes it!

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are sooo beautiful! Love your trip. Have you thought of doing the Appalachian trail next year?
